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Dealer Web Central

The John Deere platform has been reimagined from the ground up.

If you want to know why your John Deere dealer platform site features an outdated design, strains under an uncooperative codebase, and lacks the customization you need to stay competitive, it’s because the platform technology has long been overdue for an update.

The good news: The upgrade is here!


The advantages of upgrading to the new platform

With our new platform, you’ll have a site tailored to your business.

User-Friendly CMS

New features have been added and pre-existing tools have been simplified based on user feedback, enabling you to edit and update your website faster and easier.

Modern Design

The platform has been updated from the ground up, with a modern design and a simplified navigation to allow users to find your products and services quickly and efficiently.

Fully Customizable

Customize your site using pre-built calls-to-action and pre-designed panel layouts to ensure consistency in both form and function while quickly driving traffic to the most important pages.


Utilizing ADA-friendly design and functionality, we’ve taken measures to help ensure your products and services are accessible to all of your visitors.


Understanding the upgrade process

If your site is already on the dealer platform and simply requires an upgrade, here is the process from start to finish.

  1. Notification of Migration

    Our team will notify you when your site is scheduled for migration. If you control the DNS, you may be asked to add some DNS records. These changes won’t affect your current site but are necessary for our setup, as we are adding a CDN to improve site performance.

  2. Code Freeze

    You will receive notice of a code freeze. During this time, we will migrate your current site's content to the new development site. Any changes made after the code freeze will need to be tracked by you for replication on the new site.

  3. Content Fitting & Customization

    We will ensure your content is properly integrated into the new design. Spinutech will also implement any customizations specified in your Statement of Work.

  4. Quality Assurance (QA)

    Our team will QA the new site in development and send you a link for your review. Please review all content to ensure it’s complete and correct. (Note: No new functionality will be added at this stage, but it can be requested after the new site is launched.)

  5. CMS Access

    We will provide you with access to the new CMS backend so you can make any necessary content adjustments.

  6. Updated Hosting Agreement

    If you haven’t signed the updated hosting agreement yet, this will need to be completed before we can launch the new site.

  7. Approval to Launch

    Our team will request your approval to take the new site live.

  8. Go Live & Post-Launch QA

    After the new site goes live, Spinutech will perform post-launch QA and complete checklist items to ensure everything runs smoothly.


An opportunity to drive your business forward

As a John Deere dealer, your website is a critical extension of your business. The new platform isn't just a simple upgrade, it's an opportunity to:

  • Showcase your inventory with a modern design
  • Simplify your website management with a user-friendly CMS
  • Customize your site to reflect your unique dealership identity

Contact our John Deere Dealer Team today to schedule your upgrade and unlock the full potential of your digital dealership.

Contact our John Deere Dealer Team

Legal Disclaimer: While Spinutech strives to follow best practices for accessibility, we cannot guarantee that any website we develop or manage will be fully ADA compliant. Accessibility standards and guidelines, such as those set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), are subject to interpretation and ongoing changes. We recommend working with legal counsel and accessibility specialists to ensure your website meets the necessary accessibility requirements.